Remember that mystery fourth button in Hearthstone we spoke about the other day? It has been reveled as a new mode call Tavern Brawl. The new mode will offer player-versus-player battles with a unique set of rules that change every week. Blizzard suggested possibilities like playing with preset decks, newly built decks that must follow certain guidelines, or with certain minion types being buffed. You can play Tavern Brawl matches against random players online or against friends. Tavern Brawl will be added in a patch "coming soon," but it won't be available for all players straight out of the gate. In order to access it, you'll first need to reach level 20 with at least one hero. After the end of each Tavern Brawl, there will be a "couple of days" when they are unavailable as Blizzard prepares the next one. When the mode arrives, you'll be able to win a free card pack each time you win your first game of the week during the first several brawls.
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