Friday, June 19, 2015

Microsoft Assures The Kinect Is Alive And Well

Microsoft talked a lot about the future go the XboxOne at this years E3, but dos the future include there motion sensing peripheral Kinect ? Some fans might be wondering how committed Microsoft is to the Kinect considering they didn’t talk about it at the year's biggest gaming show. Xbox executive Aaron Greenberg has spoken out to assure fans that Kinect is here to stay. "We are absolutely continuing to support Kinect," Greenberg told GameSpot this week at E3. "We really want Kinect to be a choice for customers. For me, I love it; I turn my Xbox One with Kinect; I use it for entertainment; I use it to do screenshots and all that," he said. "I like to be able to have my hands on the controller and use voice commands. But, frankly, a lot of people also want a better value and don't want to have to pay for it. So we're not going to force people to do that. We give people the choice." Do you have an Xbox One ? Do you use Kinect with it ? 

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