Samsung has announced the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge now include support for microSD cards with up to 200 GB of storage to complement the 32 GB of onboard storage. The U.S. will only receive 32 GB variants of the devices while some regions will receive a 64 GB version alongside the 32 GB version. The devices also support IP68 water and dust resistance, which means that the phones can be submersed in up to 5 feet of water for 30 minutes. The S7 comes with a 3,000 mAh battery, while the S7 Edge comes with a 3,600 mAh battery. The S7 Edge has received a larger 5.5-inch display (both devices sport the quad HD Super AMOLED display in the Galaxy S6). The rear camera in the S7 and S7 Edge is now 12 megapixels, it has larger pixels that let in 56% more light than the S6. It also comes with a f/1.7 aperture that lets in an additional 25% more light. The camera sensor's shape has also changed, moving from a 16:9 ratio to a 4:3-like ratio. The camera can also focus 3 times faster than the S6 thanks to its new dual pixel system, which uses every pixel as a "focus pixel," according to Samsung.
Both the S7 and S7 Edge are powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 processor. Samsung notes that some regions of the world will still receive S7 devices powered by the Exynos chips. Both devices also have 4 GB of RAM. Neither phone is equipped with the new USB-C port, with Samsung instead opting to continue with Micro USB due to its compatibility with its Gear VR headset and being the more mature technology. The phones both run Android 6.0 Marshmallow with Samsung's TouchWiz interface. The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge will be available on all 4 major U.S. carriers on March 11. The S7 will come in black or gold color options while the S7 Edge will come in black, gold or silver. Samsung didn't reveal prices, but said they will be roughly in line with last year's prices. Pre-orders will begin February 23. Users who purchase an S7 or S7 Edge between February 23rd and March 18th will receive a free Gear VR headset. What do you think of the The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge ?
UPDATE 11/3/16 - The S7 Edge now has a new color scheme: Coral Blue.
UPDATE 11/3/16 - The S7 Edge now has a new color scheme: Coral Blue.
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