Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rumors Claim That Call Of Duty 2016 Will Take Place In Space

According to a proven industry insider, shinobi602, via NeoGAF says that this year's Call of Duty will be "full on sci-fi" with space combat and will not be a sequel to Call of Duty: Ghosts. Shinobi has previously been correct about Black Ops 3 featuring wall-running, characters with robotic limbs and cybernatics, and be developed for PS3 and Xbox 360 by a second studio. The announcement of the next Call of Duty has been confirmed for E3 this year. Call of Duty 2016 will be released in Q4 of this year, expected to launch on PS4, Xbox One and PC. What do you think of the next COD taking place in space and being far in the future ? 

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