Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Apple And Google Are Going After An Anti-Encryption Bill

Apple and Google have are taking aim at a controversial new anti-encryption bill, which demands that tech companies make their devices breakable at will. In addition to Apple and Google, other tech giants which signed the missive include Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Netflix, and more. “We support making sure that law enforcement has the legal authorities, resources, and training it needs to solve crime, prevent terrorism, and protect the public,” the letter concludes. “However, those things must be carefully balanced to preserve our customers’ security and digital information. We are ready and willing to engage in dialogue about how to strike that balance, but remain concerned about efforts to prioritize one type of security over all others in a way that leads to unintended, negative consequences for the safety of our networks and our customers.” You can read the entire open letter here. This is most certainly a step in the right direction for encryption. What do you think ? 

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