Monday, April 18, 2016

Hero World, The Guitar Hero MMO That Almost Happened

According to Liam Robertson (a Unseen 64 contributor) claims and spoken with developers on the now-canceled project know as Hero World. The game set to be a browser based tie in MMO for the Guitar Hero series. Robertson says the concept was conceived by Freestyle Games (DJ Hero, Guitar Hero Live), but it was a tad too ambitious for the British studio. So they brought in Virtual Fairground, as the company had an existing engine from a similar project that would fit Freestyle's idea. Unfortunately for Virtual Fairground, Activision killed off the Guitar Hero series in 2011 after they over saturated the market with 14 Hero games in only 5 years. Virtual Fairground was forced to file for bankruptcy in 2011. It’s a shame for what could have been. A Guitar Hero MMO sounds interesting to say the least and is definitely something different that the series needed. Those are my thought, what are yours?

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