Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Expect PlayStation VR Shortages + PS4 Neo May Bring A New Era

PlayStation executive Andrew House told CNBC that he’s sure that there will be supply constraints for PlayStation VR. This would be due to VR being such a new category that modeling sales is not so easy. "We have growing confidence that we'll be supply constrained with this product, but we'll do our very best to meet demand," House said. "Virtual reality is a medium that's in its infancy. With such a nascent, very new form of storytelling, it's difficult to predict what user uptake is going to be." Also in the interview, House said he expects PlayStation VR games to be priced in the range of $20-$40, though some games will come in below and above that. Also, In the CNBC interview, House spoke about the PS4 Neo suggesting that the days of waiting years for a new PlayStation may come to an end. "People invest in a console and they want to have that investment validated over a decent period of time," he said. "That being said, with iterations like Neo we are, to some degree as an industry, acknowledging the pace of iteration has shifted. … People have become attuned to a slightly different cadence of innovation. The critical thing is to give the consumer options, rather than dictate the future for them." What do you think ? I don't like that we just got PS4 and it's already time of the next one ? Also who is this console really for ? 

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