Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Did GameStop Germany Just Leak Details About The Nintendo Switch Launch ?

As the Nintendo Switch presentation draws ever closer, more leaks are starting to pop up. This time it seems that an employee from GameStop Germany has snapped a picture of the Switch’s launch line-up. Retailers often prep for launches with pre-order SKU’s to ensure that stock is allocated to each branch accordingly, you can see them below. Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, Skyrim, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, amongst others are listed for a release date of March 19 which falls within the frequently-reported March global release of the machine itself. However, the 5 ‘Placeholder’ items on the list would insinuate that there is some Switch software/accessories/bundles that GameStop haven’t been informed about yet. We won’t know for sure until a few days time, but it’s encouraging to see some of the big players in the retail sector preparing for Nintendo Switch orders. Thoughts ?

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