Monday, January 16, 2017

Reggie Fils-Aime Says There Won’t Be Supply Issues For The Switch

In an interview with Wired, Reggie Fils-Aime spoke about making sure that the Nintendo Switch has enough supply to meet demand, something they’re having trouble with the NES Classic. He said that “what we’ve said publicly is that there will be 2 million units that will be shipped worldwide for the launch, essentially through month one. I know, because I read the boards and I read the comments, that there is concern about supply. From what I’ve read, the concern seems to stem from the lack of ability to buy NES Classic. So what I would say is this: Two million for essentially the first month is a huge number, especially when you look and see that this is not peak seasonality. This is essentially the first 3 weeks of March. Our focus is making sure that the consumer who wants to buy a Nintendo Switch can buy a Nintendo Switch. That’s how we build our supply chain, that’s how we think through the amount of product that’s available.”

He continued, saying that “what happened with NES Classic is that was a situation where the global demand was well in excess of anything we had anticipated, and that’s what created shortages. The good news, at least for consumers in the Americas, is we’re going to continue to make the NES Classic available. With the ongoing level of supply, the ongoing demand is going to be met. We know the concern.” You can find out more info about the Nintendo Switch here.

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