Monday, February 6, 2017

Blizzard “Objects” To Overwatch Players Using Mouse And Keyboard On Console

Blizzard is speaking out against using mouse and keyboard controls when playing Overwatch on console. "The Overwatch team objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on console," Overwatch game director and Blizzard VP Jeff Kaplan said in a post on the game's official forums. Kaplan continued to note that the studio has already reached out to Microsoft and Sony expressing there concern with players using input conversion devices to enable mouse and keyboard uses on PS4 and Xbox One. "We have lobbied and will continue to lobby for first-party console manufacturers to either: Disallow mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices or openly and easily support mouse and keyboard for ALL players," Kaplan added. The Blizzard exec concluded by encouraging fans to express their concern to Microsoft and Sony as well "in a productive and respectful way."

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