Sunday, February 5, 2017

Miitomo Getting A Big Update Soon

Miitomo will be receiving a big new update soon which may bring people back to the app. There’s a number of new features including the ability to attach images to any answers and send a customized message when sending out a friend request to someone. We haven’t got a date for the update just yet but it is simply coming soon.

  • A “Miifoto Log” feature, where you’ll be able to post Miifotos or images from your device with comments.
  • The ability to attach images to your answers.
  • The addition of a customizable Bio in your Profile.
  • When sending a friend request, you’ll be able to attach a message.
  • Wallpaper or flooring will be available for use as backgrounds in Miifotos.
  • You’ll be able to select the outfit your Mii character wears when delivering a message.
  • Daily items will not include selectable color variations.
  • Other various system improvements.

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