Friday, April 28, 2017

Nintendo President Is Relieved That Consumers Have Taken To The Switch

The Wall Street Journal has published a brief interview with Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima after releasing there financial results. Kimishima says in the interview that he is relieved that consumers have taken to the company’s latest product, the Nintendo Switch. He also says that he is surprised that Zelda is selling so well and says that it only goes and reinforces the idea that good software can sell hardware.

“We have done a lot of things to raise awareness about how the Switch experience can offer something new, and I am just relieved that consumers seem to have accepted it.” “It is surprising that Zelda is doing so well, but it also proved what we have been saying is right: A good game title will spur sales of the platform device,” Mr. Kimishima said. Thoughts ?

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