HTC has announced an exciting new changes to the Vive, with both higher resolution and a wireless adapter. The new headset, the Vive Pro, boosts the resolution beyond the of existing VR headsets. The OLED displays are 2880 x 1600, which works out to 1400 x 1600 per eye and 615 pixels per inch. The new Vive resolution is a 78 % increase from the 2160 x 1200 resolution of the current market's Vive. The Vive Pro has also reformed the top headband for comfort, added a sizing dial for adjustments, integrated on-ear headphones built into the headset, and added dual-microphones and cameras to increase the capabilities inherited from the previous headset. In addition, HTC has announced a wireless adapter to make the Vive wire-free and severely reduce risk of tripping over the cords. The adapter uses Intel's WiGig technology, which is explicitly designed to reduce latency and eliminate interference. The intention is to make a wireless headset unable to be discerned from a normal HDMI connection. The adapter will work for the existing Vive headset as well as the Vive Pro. The Vive Pro will be releasing this quarter alongside the current headset, which will be available through 2018. A full bundle, as well as pricing, for the Vive Pro will be detailed in the future. The wireless adapter will release in the summer, nothing else is known at this time.
UPDATE 8/23/18 - HTC has announced that the HTC Vive wireless adapter will be available on September 24 for $299. You can pre order the adapter on September 5. The adapter will work for both the Vive and Vive Pro, but it should be noted that Pro users will need to purchase a $60 compatibility pack to use it.
UPDATE 8/23/18 - HTC has announced that the HTC Vive wireless adapter will be available on September 24 for $299. You can pre order the adapter on September 5. The adapter will work for both the Vive and Vive Pro, but it should be noted that Pro users will need to purchase a $60 compatibility pack to use it.
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