Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Fortnite: Save The World Delayed Going Free-To-Play Till Next Year

Epic Games has announced that they are postponing the free-to-play launch of Fortnite‘s Save the World mode to 2019. It was originally meant to go free-to-play this year but it sounds as though the developers are currently focussed on the Battle Royale mode and want to get the Save the World mode right.
“We decided to move the free-to-play launch of Save the World out of this year. We’re working on a broad set of features, reworks, and backend system scaling we believe are needed to go free-to-play. Save the World has grown consistently since our launch in July 2017 and Fortnite overall has experienced unprecedented growth. Scaling up for the legions of player heroes who will be joining the fight is key to providing an excellent experience. This applies to all of our players, old and new, so we’re taking the time to get this right.”
“To thank our founders, both new and old, if you log in and play during the Fortnitemares Event, you’ll receive both Brainiac Jonesy and Skull Ranger Ramirez for free!”
“For those of you who want to start playing right now, we’ve got you. Starting this week, we’ll be hosting a 50% off sale for the Standard, Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Limited Founder’s packs.”

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