Friday, February 6, 2015

Twitter Blames iOS 8 For The Loss Of 4 Million Users

Twitter announced today that the social network was placing the blame for 4 million lost users on Apple. The company claims that the loss of 4 million users is due to the release of iOS 8. In the Shared Links section in iOS 7’s version of Safari automatically updated to pull in the latest links from a users Twitter feed. In iOS 8 this feature has been changed to a manual refresh. As a result, users who were previously counted when their phones checked for those shared links were no longer listed among the service’s monthly active users. The company also said that 1 million users had upgraded their iPhones and simply forgotten their passwords or failed to reinstall the Twitter app, leading to even fewer active users thanks to Apple. Do you think Twitter is overreacting here ? Do they have the right to blame Apple ?

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