Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This iOS Bug Crashes iPhone's From Receiving A Text Message

A new bug has been discovered in the Messages app of iOS. The bug allows a string of characters sent to a person via iMessage or SMS to crash an iPhone and cause the Messages app to crash after being opened. Sending the string of characters to an iPhone results in an immediate respring, causing an iPhone to crash and quickly reboot. If the Messages app was opened at a list view, the Messages app crashes automatically when you try to open it. If it was opened to the conversation where you received the message, the app will open, but attempting to go to another conversation causes Messages to crash. If you receive one of these messages, there are a few possible fixes that have worked. If the Messages app was opened to the conversation with the person who sent the offending message, the Messages app can be reopened to this conversation. You can fix this by having someone send you a message or by sending a message to yourself. There are several options for sending a message to yourself, including sending yourself a message via Siri or through the Share sheet in any app. To send yourself a message in Siri, tell Siri to "Send a message to myself." Siri will open up a dialogue where you can give her a quick message like "Fix" that'll be sent to your iPhone to clear away the message. 

This is the text that caused the bug

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