Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Will PlayStation VR Be As Popular As The PS4 ?

In an interview with Polygon, PlayStation executive vice president Masayasu Ito said Playstation Vr has an advantage because it “works with PS4”. Ito went on to say the competing Oculus Rift might have better VR than PlayStation VR, but Oculus is for a different audience. "This is not for the person who uses a high-end PC. It’s for the mass market.” He also pointed out the mass-market appeal of PlayStation VR means it's more for "everyday use." A device designed for everyday use, "has to be easy to use and it has to be affordable." With the Rift priced at $600, and the HTC Vive costing at $800, affordability is in the eye of the beholder. Sony said in the past it plans to price PlayStation VR "as a new gaming platform." We hope that means around $400 to $500. With there being 36 million PS4’s out in the wild and with Oculus needing a beast of a PC to run it. I believe sony potentially could have global success with PS VR as they did with PS4. What do you think ? Sony will be holding a PlayStation VR event at GDC on March 15. You can read more about that here

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