Monday, May 16, 2016

Microsoft Is Releasing One Million In-Active Xbox Live Gamertags

Microsoft has announced it is freeing up almost 1 million Gamertags later in the week. The affected accounts were created on the original Xbox and never migrated to the Xbox 360. In order to obtain one, you need to be an active Xbox Live Gold member and have at least one year of cumulative Gold tenure. You can try and get one of the Gamertags on May 18th at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific. Many of the tags fall into the following categories:
  • Proper Names
  • Pop culture references (Entertainment, sports, gaming)
  • Types of Food
  • Geography and Travel
  • Science and Technology
  • Math and Numbers
  • Animals
  • Some of the greatest inventions of all time
Microsoft recommends you make the change via 

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