Friday, November 25, 2016

Donald Trump Willing To Give Apple A Large Tax Cut To Make Its Products In The U.S.

In a recent interview with the New York Times, President elect Donald Trump appears to have told Apple CEO Tim Cook that he wants the company to build iPhones and other products in the U.S. and is willing to offer a large tax cut to make it happen.  Here’s his statement: I got a call from Tim Cook at Apple, and I said, ‘Tim, you know one of the things that will be a real achievement for me is when I get Apple to build a big plant in the United States, or many big plants in the United States, where instead of going to China, and going to Vietnam, and going to the places that you go to, you’re making your product right here.’ He said, ‘I understand that.’ I said: ‘I think we’ll create the incentives for you, and I think you’re going to do it. We’re going for a very large tax cut for corporations, which you’ll be happy about.’ But we’re going for big tax cuts, we have to get rid of regulations, regulations are making it impossible. Whether you’re liberal or conservative, I mean I could sit down and show you regulations that anybody would agree are ridiculous. It’s gotten to be a free-for-all. And companies can’t, they can’t even start up, they can’t expand, they’re choking.” Thoughts ?

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