Friday, May 12, 2017

Overwatch Anniversary Event Coming Soon ?

Recent leaks and hints have indicated Blizzard is planning something to mark the one-year anniversary for Overwatch. When a fan asked on Twitter about a date for an anniversary event, the official Twitter account responded, "No timing details yet," indicating that news is on the way. Now , True Achievements has found some more information in its recent scan of the Xbox Live Marketplace, discovering anniversary loot boxes and a Game of the Year edition. The store description for the Game of the Year edition says it comes with the full game, 10 bonus loot boxes, origin skins for five heroes, a baby Winston pet for World of Warcraft, the Tracer hero to use in Heroes of the Storm, and more. The expected release date for the event is listed as May 23 (a day before the 1 anniversary for Overwatch).  As for the anniversary loot boxes, the product description indicates that there will be over 100 new goodies available to commemorate the occasion, and they will be available to purchase or earn in-game until June 5.

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