Friday, April 27, 2018

PlayStation 4 Sales Hits 79 Million Units

In their latest financial report, Sony has revealed that the PlayStation 4 has hit 79 million units sold. The system sold 19 million units in the last financial year, a number that is still down slightly from the 20 million of the previous year. Sony expects that declination to continue with only 16 million units next year, which is still a number proportional to some of the fastest selling consoles in the past. Sony expects that software sales will increase to offset the lower hardware numbers, a claim which makes sense given a higher install base means fewer people to buy consoles but more people to buy software. Software sales were up around $8.4 billion in its 2017 fiscal year, up around $6.6 billion in 2016 and $5.1 billion the year prior. The PlayStation 4 is closing in on the PlayStation 3's life-to-date install base of 83 million units since its launch in 2006. Thoughts ?

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